Process Paper

Rachel Carson:  Catalyst of the Environmental Movement

Process Paper

The topic of Rachel Carson as the Catalyst of the Environmental Movement was chosen because I am very passionate about the environment and protecting wildlife. A lady who works at Barnes and Noble first suggested the book Silent Spring to me. Carson’s quest to maintain the balance of nature in our environment and to educate people on helping was very interesting.  I loved that she was such a strong woman.

First, I was in a group of five people planning a performance.  The rest of the group agreed to present an exhibit instead.  It was difficult for us to meet regularly so I decided to split off on my own to create a website on the same topic. It has been fun learning the technology and having your own website seems pretty special.  Choosing to present the material through a website was perfect.  I have learned some new technology and had a well organized format to show my work.

My teacher had us write an outline and answer some questions on our topic.  I wanted to cover Rachel Carson, nature, the public, the chemical industry and the US Government. I watched two videos about Rachel Carson and Silent Spring and it gave me ideas on what I wanted my thesis to be and thoughts on supporting it.  First, I got some books on Rachel Carson, nature and the environment, at my local library.  Then I spent time searching the internet, including the EPA website, N.Y. Times, Environmental groups and many people who have found strength in Rachel Carson's bravery in writing Silent Spring.  I used a timeline and my outline to help me keep track of the research I did.

I had some questions for the Rachel Carson Council and called them to see if someone could talk to me.  I was very glad to schedule a phone interview with Dr. Robert K. Musil, President. I asked him about Ms. Carson's Legacy and what their organization does to support Ms. Carson’s vision. I also asked about changes made to protect the environment and what impacts and clean-up efforts are still going on over fifty years after dangerous pesticides were used so freely.

The NHD theme of breaking barriers is at the center of my project.  The US Government, Businesses and the Public never considered what their habits or practices had been doing to the environment.  The Publication of Silent Spring is considered the launch of the environmental movement.  Rachel Carson wrote in such a way that her scientific findings could be easily understood by the general public.  She was able to convey to them that the US Government and Businesses were not protecting them from harmful poisons. This barrier of making the toxicity of the pesticides known to the public may not have been broken for many more years because the US Government and business were both very powerful.  It took Rachel Carson and her ability to reach the public to cause a countrywide uproar to make change happen.